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Save up to 15% on Hotel Stays

Save up to 15% at Wyndham Hotels
Save on hotel rooms at over 7,600 participating hotels. Members—including their employees and drivers—receive up to 15% off the "Best Available Rate" at participating locations*.

Save 10% at Motel 6 locations
FTS Plus+ customers can save 10% at Motel locations. Motel 6 has more than 1,200 locations nationwide, is pet friendly and now has wi-fi for a small nominal fee at most locations.

Save 15% with Vantage Hospitality Group
FTS Plus+ members save up to 15% at Vantage Hotels, including Americas Best Value Inn, Lexington, Jameson Inn and Country Hearth.

Request More Information

For questions or to learn more, fill out the form below and a representative will contact you.